Friday, June 23, 2017

Low elevation Dinkey Creek hike / swimming holes / river adventure!

Low elevation Dinkey Creek hike / swimming holes / river adventure!
Elevation: 1600'
Length: about 2.5 miles round trip
Season: April - October.  Water is cold in spring.  Be careful for heavy runoff in early summer.  Water is warm in late summer / early fall.
Road type: Paved
Driving time: 2  hrs
Description: This hike is an ADVENTURE.  It is not on a marked trail.  Not for people who want a casual stroll.  Park on the side of the road and start along a path heading north.  Follow a moderately marked path with some overgrown spots heading north.  You will eventually get closer to the river but the trail starts to become hard to find and you have to do a little bushwhacking to finally make it to the river.  Once there you are rewarded!  Multiple large, deep swimming holes with cascading waterfalls.  Wear water shoes and head up the river for even more amazing pools.  One of my FAVORITE spots near Fresno.  Remember that the weather is similar to Fresno so don't go when it's triple digits temperature.  Best time is probably in September.


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